Facebook’s stock is surging & Mark Zuckerberg is worth nearly $50 billion. No it’s not from Candy Crush, it takes more than games like “What Kind of Sandle Are You?” to generate those kind of numbers. The brilliance of Facebook’s Ads platform & it’s continual improvement are to blame, a channel used by over 92% of marketers.
Paid social media advertising is quickly becoming a must have in any marketing mix, across industries. Staying ahead of the curve will help you generate more brand awareness & ultimately, help you generate more sales.
Facebook first birthed it’s advertising platform in 2004 and it has since grown like a weed, while simultaneously beefing up it’s capabilities. One of the most recent, standout features is the “Custom Audiences” functionality.
Have you ever wanted to send a targeted advertisement directly to a website visitor or email list subscriber — through social media? Think that this is a feat only possible through black magic? Think again. It’s as easy as accessing & uploading lists of emails, phone numbers, Facebook user IDs or mobile advertiser IDs that contain past customers, current customers, or interested prospects. But user beware, make sure your audience has opted in. Facebook has strict rules against unsolicited spam.
Another extremely useful aspect of the Custom Audiences feature is Website Traffic re-marketing, which means serving a Facebook Ad to people who have visited your website. Imagine, for a moment, that you own a boutique soap store. And on Monday, you counted 5 people that walked in & purchased nothing, and none of those 5 grabbed a brochure or flyer. If you’re lucky, 1 will be back. If not, they’re gone for good. But for visitors who leave your website without making a purchase or contacting you, using ‘re-marketing’ and a simple line of code, Facebook allows you pitch those customers again! Magic.
Alongside the Custom Audiences feature, Facebook touts it’s Poll feature, Multi-Product Ads & robust Video functionality. And major brands are adopting the platform as quickly as they can. So check out the infographic below & as always, contact us to find out how we can help your business generate more revenue — online or offline!
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Via Salesforce